Friday, October 26, 2007

Big Boy NoNo

Our little man is growing up so fast! He's already got 2 teeth and has started feeding himself. He loves applesauce, peas, sweet potatos and all kinds a squash. I made him carrots, too, but he's showing a dislike for them. I will keep trying and see if they take. He's sitting up like an 'ol pro, and loves to talk to us all the time. He is Lambs' biggest fan, and is always excited to give her hugs and kisses. We think he's going through a growth spurt or something since he's been super fussy the last few days. Last night he drank 15 ounces from 9pm til 6:30am. Needless to say sleep was not Aaron's friend last night (he took NoNo for the night). He's been nursing like crazy, too. He lets me in his mouth on the special occassion, and I can feel his gums all swollen - I think he's getting ready to pop a few more teeth on the bottom. It's very cute - he's so confused about what's going on with his mouth - he always tries to suck his teeth out of his mouth. HAHA - it's really funny. He'll just start making these sucking noises and you look and you'd swear he's trying to suck his teeth out.

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